I think it has a lot to do with the fact that now, companies are providing products for their review and some reviews don't seem sincere. I guess thats what happens though, you get things for free and you want to keep getting things for free so you say nice things about a mediocre product. You always start with the intent of being honest, but it gets to you and then somewhere along the way, you vouch for products you barely tried or liked. I think a new wave of gurus would help that because you're always honest in the beginning. One of the few people that I think stayed true is JuicyTuesday. Her expose on HotMiamiStyles showed that she didn't care what companies thought as long as she was being truthful to her viewers. I would totally be a bitch (in a good way) like her.
The second reason is there's no videos for monolids! If you haven't noticed, monolids = no crease! But even if you did have a crease it wouldn't be where your eye socket is! Well there are videos, but it just shows you how to fake a crease by the socket. I used to hate having monolids now it's an additional feature you can play with. An Asian's eye is not deepset, and therefore, the crease would not be the same. You can do your crease work where an Asian's crease would be or where a normal person's crease would be. Also, Asian's usually have less eyelid space, so some times if you put color all the way to the socket bone, you'd look like this:
It's so complicated to put into words, but if you've ever used those eyelid glue things that come with a poker, you might know what I'm talking about! Of course this doesn't apply for every Asian, but it applies to me! and I know it applies to other Asian girls like me.
Well, needless to say, I could just go for it. Plop on my webcam, start rambling about all things makeup, edit and upload. But people are so mean! I was watching a video and this lady was like..."well today someone called me a fatass" or something like that. ugh! So mean! Really? Is that necessary? obviously, no ones perfect but unless your sitting in front of a camera letting the world see your imperfections, you have no right to say anything! Anyway, youtube is also a huge time commitment. I have the time, but I don't know that I have the commitment lol. Editing, uploading, commenting, responding, not only to youtube stuff but twitter, blogs, facebook. It's a big responsibility. Maybe, one day.
'til then, I'm all yours.
You should totally do it! I can see you being a youtube girl! You're already pretty anyway, so it'll work.
ReplyDeleteAnd really, screw the haters.
Go borrow G's camera! We'll be your #1 fans!
Don't forget to share the goodies you get! <3